Hunting tygers in old Indyah
Friday lunchtime I went for a wander over to see what the toffs were up to. And it wasn't much. The grandstands were empty, and there seemed to be more security than pimms quaffing punters. I noted that there was a Ring-necked Parakeet nearby, and then out of the blue I heard a bloody Peacock. A peacock, in Fulham. What with the Polo round the corner, the trees filled with parakeets and Peacocks crying out from the lawns it was like being back in the Raj, what?

I haven't heard a peacock round here before so I have to assume that it has been hired for the event. How do you go about hiring a bloody peacock? Anyway, the RNP came quite close, and I cracked off a couple of shots (note that my photography is little better when the camera is not stuck on the end of high powered optics).
Now dear reader, if you are sitting in a more northerly section of blighty (regardless of whether or not you have a new BNP MEP - eek!), you may not see these parakeets very often (if at all) and sometimes people do come to the big smoke to see them.
Let it be known that they are noisy, distinctive in flight and an absolute arse to see when they sit in a tree.
Parakeet doing camouflage
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