
there's another moth in me kitchen x 2

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Continuing the rather rubbish theme of moths and kitchen there have been some of note recently.  To me, not of any national significance nevermind local significance.  I find that I locate a moth, spend an age trying to identify it and then find out that it is so common that seeing a Robin in a west London garden is actually more interesting.  Anyway, recently there has been Golden Fringe, Garden Pebble, Common Pug, Hebrew Character and a carpet whose name escapes me.

A lot of people on the interweb don't try and work out what the identification of a species is.  They just lazily upload their pictures to Birdforum or some such and learn nothing in the process.  At the opposite end of the scale, lies yours truly.  Utterly determined to identify everything for myself, but failing due to the limited resource before me.  There are two (probably common moths) that I frustratingly cannot identify.  These two that I present here are not in my book (or at any angle that makes them identifiable) and I proffer them to the wider world (photographed in my incredible moth catcher).

A moth doing unidentified.

Another moth doing unidentified.

Any ideas?


Karen Woolley said...

The bottom one is light brown apple moth.

Jonathan Lethbridge said...

#2 is Epiphyas postvittana - Light Brown Apple Moth.

Still working on #1.

Jonathan Lethbridge said...

Doh! I promise I didn't read Karen's post. I did some good honest research. In fact I went on the "UK Moths" page and painstakingly clicked through about 300 species for you before I found it.

Jonathan Lethbridge said...

PS - it's apparently a native of Australia. Makes sense, you're quite near Earl's Court.

Anonymous said...

The other one is a male Bee Moth.

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